Hunterdon County Youth Coalition

Meet the Hunterdon County Youth COalition!

We are leaders and role models, dedicated to the betterment of our community by promoting a substance-free lifestyle. The HCYC changes policies in schools and our community, making positive changes to create a healthier environment.

Hunterdon County students in grades 6th-12th grades are eligible for membership and are welcome to attend events throughout the year. Parents are always welcome to join any meetings.

We are youth led and adult guided.
We are leaders and advocates in our community!

Check out what we do!

There are lots of ways to get involved in HCYC.

Our Events

Monthly meetings with great food!
Community Outreach Events
Leadership Opportunities
Peer-to-Peer Education
National Trips
Scholarship Project
...and more!

Upcoming Events...

Send an email or text to get invited to our meetings!


If you’re interested or have questions contact Youth Leader Amanda Kovacs at

908-280-0391 (call/text)

Meet our team!

Amanda Kovacs

Youth Coordinator
